"Think & Grow Rich"
Chapter 11 (Condensed):
01. Sex desire is the most powerful of human desires. When driven by this desire, men develop keenness of imagination, courage, will-power, persistence, & creative ability unknown to them
at other times.
02. This motivating force maybe be used as powerful creative forces in the accumulation of riches.
03. The transmutation of sex energy calls for the excercise
of will-power, but the REWARD IS WORTH THE EFFORT.
04. The desire for sexual expression should be given an outlet through forms of expression
which enrich the body, mind, & spirit of man.
05. Give sex emotion an outlet through some form of creative effort.
06. The men of greatest achievement are men who have learned
the art of sexual transmutation (NoFap, Celibacy)
07. The men who have accumulated great fortunes were motivated by the influence of a woman.
08. When driven by this emotion, men become gifted with a super power for action.
09. Destroy the sex glands, whether in man or beast, & you have removed the major source of action.
10. Sex alteration takes out of the male, all the fight that was in him.
Sex alteration of the female has the same effect.
11. The stimuli to which the mind responds most freely are:
A. The desire for sex expression
B. Love
C. A burning desire for fame, power, or financial gain, money
D. Music
E. Friendship
F. A Master Mind Alliance
G. Mutual Suffering
H. Auto-Suggestion
I. Fear
J. Narcotics & Alcohol
12. The desire for sex expression start the "wheels" of physical action.
13. The great artists, writers, musicians, & poets become great, because they acquire the habit of relying upon the "still small voice" which speaks from within, through the faculty of creative imagination.
14. One of America's most successful financiers followed the habit
of closing his eyes for two or three minutes before making a decision.
15. "With my eyes closed, I am able to draw upon a SOURCE of superior intelligence."
16. Dr. Elmer R. Gates, created more than two hundred useful patents,
cultivating & using the creative faculty.
17. Sex influence, from the right source, (LOVE) is more powerful than any substitute of expediency.
18. Sex energy is creative energy.
19. The energy must be transmuted from desire for physical contact, into some other form of desire & action. (Wealth, Success, Increasing IQ, Better Looks, Fit & Sexy Body, Independence, Making Money from My Music, Nice Car, Nice Houses, etc.)
20. The majority of men lower themselves, to the status of the lower animals. (Fapping = Poverty, Misery, Depression, Low Self-Esteem, Low Confidence, Egoism, Lack of Energy, Lack of Motivation,
Lack of Purpose, Laziness, Inability To Focus, etc.)
21. 25,000 people who succeed in an outstanding way, seldom do so before the age of 40 years old.
22. The majority of men wasted many years when the sex energy is at its height, prior to the age of 45 to 50. This usually is followed by noteworthy achievements.
23. Let it be remembered that many such men have destroyed themselves in the end
with sexual addictions.
24. This sexual energy may be communicated to others through the following media:
A. The hand-shake.
B. The tone of voice.
C. Posture & carriage of the body.
D. The vibrations of thought.
E. Body adornment. People who are highly sexed are usually
They usually select clothing of a style becoming to their personality, physique, complexion, etc.
& enthusiasm is one of the most important requisites in salesmanship.
26. THE PUBLIC SPEAKER, who is lacking in sex energy is a "flop."
27. Understand the importance of sex energy as a salesman.
28. Master salesmen transmute the energy of sex into sales enthusiasm!
29. The salesman who knows HOW TO TAKE HIS MIND OFF OF THE SUBJECT OF SEX.
30. Practically every great leader, was a man whose achievements were largely inspired by a woman.
31. Stimulation in excess is a form of temperance which destroys the vital organs of the body,
including the brain.
32. Sexual over-indulgence may not only destroy reason & will-power, but it may also lead to either temporary or PERMANENT INSANITY.
33. The years between 40 & 50 are, as a rule, the most fruitful. Man should approach this age, not with fear & trembling, but with hope & eager anticipation.
34. When driven by his desire to please a woman, based solely upon the emotion of sex, a man may be, & usually is, capable of great achievement, but his actions may be disorganized, distorted, & totally destructive.
35. Genuine reformation comes only through a change of heart - through a desire to change.
36. The emotions of SEX & JEALOUSY, when mixed, may turn a person into an INSANE BEAST.
37. Through will-power, one may discourage the presence of any emotion.
39. When any NEGATIVE EMOTION presents itself in one's mind,
it can be transmuted into a positive, by the simple procedure of changing one's thoughts.
40. Dissolve the victim mentality.
41. "A man's wife may either make him or break him."
42. If a woman permits her husband to lose interest in her, & become more interested in other women,
it is usually because of her ignorance, or indifference toward the subjects of Sex, Love, & Romance.
43. The facts are equally applicable to a man who permits his wife's interest in him to die.
44. The "hunter" indicates his desire for her favor by supplying fince clothes, motor cars, & wealth.
45.Men who accumulate large fortunes, do so, mainly, to satisfy their desire to please women.
"Think & Grow Rich" Chapter 11 (Condensed)
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