
All Updates For Kildig.com Will Be In This Section

2025 Updates

3/3/2025 - Kildig.com Majorly DOWNSIZING!
Hello, the former owner of Kildig.com did a lot of stupid things to the website when he was in control, and we think that some of those things that he did ABSOLUTELY SUCKED! So, a lot of the work that the former owner has done to this website will soon be undone. We've already removed all of the documentaries. Whatever pages are performing well for Kildig.com will remain online. Those pages that don't generate clicks will be deleted.

The original Kildig.com, which was online back in 2002, was a very contained website. That's the exact same vision that we're looking to return the website to. There is simply too much stuff on this website, and it just feels very cluttered. Granted, we have a lot of great content on this website, but there is simply too much of it, and a lot of it will be deleted soon. Thank you for understanding!

- DCW Wrestling Leaves Kildig.com
Former Kildig website owner (name redacted) has come to a new agreement where he will be moving DCWWrestling.com off of Kildig.com. All of the DCW video content, along with all of our Backyard Wrestling video content, will be removed from Kildig.com and moved over to DCWWrestling.com.

The DCW Archive, located at https://kildig.blogspot.com/p/dcw-archive.html, will remain online with links redirecting our website visitors to the new official DCW website. That's the update for now. Thank you for reading!

2024 Updates

10/24/2024 - Kildig.com Sold To New Owner

The former owner (name redacted) of the Kildig website has officially sold for $1200 to the new Kildig.com owner, Conal Cochran. I will now officially take over all operations here on the Kildig website. Also, I will be working together with the Kildig Band members. There will be a close connection between the Kildig band and myself.

The former owner (name redacted) of the Kildig website and all mentions of him will be removed from our website by December 2nd, 2023, per our agreement with that party. We would like to wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors. A new era of the Kildig website is coming soon.

2023 Updates

9/13/2023 - Kildig.com Is Up For Sale
We here at the Kildig website have been informed that the current owner, (NAME REDACTED) is putting Kildig.com up for sale. He listed the website officially for sale on his website yesterday in his post "NAME REDACTED Lists Kildig.com For Sale".

We aren't going to tell you that he is lying about what he's saying in his posts. We have been pretty rough on him since he joined Christianity and maybe we've been wrong in our approach with him. Maybe we've said things we shouldn't have said, and now he is making us pay for our bad choices.

With that being said, we're currently raising the funds to pay the $1200 fee to FORMER OWNER (NAME REDACTED). so that we can continue the Kildig website and move forward without NAME REDACTED's affiliation. It's very likely that we will be contacting FORMER OWNER in the next 30 days to purchase Kildig.com from him. We don't want to lose the Kildig website to the other two possible buyers.

The Kildig band would like to take this opportunity to apologize to FORMER OWNER (NAME REDACTED) for all of the hateful things we've done and said to him over the last few months.

8/13/2023 - Kildig Band Tries To Copyright Music Behind FORMER Kildig Singers Back
(FORMER Kildig SINGER!) made a post yesterday on his website, and he made a post saying that we tried to copyright the Kildig music behind his back. Well, yes, it's true, we did do that, and we didn't ask for his permission. He's not our "god" after all. Yes, it's true that we hate his Christian religion, and we hate all religions because we are atheists who don't believe in any fake man made gods that don't exist. So, we need a new singer who is a little smarter than FORMER OWNER (NAME REDACTED). We had no idea that FORMER OWNER (NAME REDACTED) took all of the music that we all recorded together and copyrighted it BEHIND OUR BACKS!

Anyway, FORMER OWNER says that he wants to play hard ball. He says he's holding all of the cards for the Kildig website and the future of our website. He's claiming to be making a major announcement on September 12th, 2023, concerning the future of the Kildig website. What does that even mean? I'll tell you what it really means. It means THAT THE FORMER OWNER (NAME REDACTED) IS A DUMB SIMPLE MINDED FUCKING RELIGIOUS DOUCHEBAG! That's all we have to say on the matter.

8/2/2023 - Kildig Band Hiring New Lead Singer

As mentioned in our last post, "Major Issues Occurring Between Kildig Band Members," it was stated that current Kildig lead singer and lead guitarist NAME REDACTED isn't willing to allow the release of the Kildig album as he has repented of his sins and turned to Christianity. He doesn't want to be associated with horror films or anything of a dark nature. He finds his old ways of life to be very embarrassing and wants to distance himself from the Kildig band and website.

NAME REDACTED and the other Kildig members have been working to reach an agreement on this situation. This past week, a new agreement was reached. NAME REDACTED has suggested that Kildig hire a new lead singer. The finished Kildig album would have to remove NAME REDACTED's vocal tracks from the album and have the new Kildig lead singer record his vocal tracks. NAME REDACTED has agreed to allow his guitar tracks to remain on the album if he is paid a percentage of the album's profits. The other Kildig band members have agreed to these terms, and they are currently searching for a new lead singer to record the new vocal tracks and get the album released. There are many other agreements that are being talked about between NAME REDACTED and the other Kildig band members. More details are coming soon concerning the Kildig album and other transitions that are on the horizon.

7/18/2023 - MAJOR Issues Occuring Between Kildig Band Members

As some of you may know, Kildig is a heavy metal band comprised of four members, with the lead guitarist and lead singer being NAME REDACTED. The Kildig band recorded an album off and on from 2020 to 2021. The Kildig album was finally completed in early 2023.

stated that he wasn't sure that he wanted to release the Kildig album as the lyrics are very dark and negative. So, the Kildig band has had many disputes over the album's release for many months now. Today, the album remains in limbo.

Now fast forward to June 2023. NAME REDACTED has repented of his sins and turned to the Christian religion. The other three Kildig band members are atheists. So, it has caused a huge rift in their friendships, and finally getting this album released.

Due to NAME REDACTED turning to religion, he has stated that he won't allow the album to be released, and he has even stated that he doesn't want anything to do with the Kildig band or website. Currently, there are a lot of issues going on behind the scenes.

and the Kildig band are trying to come to some sort of agreement where all parties are in agreement with the specified terms of both parties. We will keep you up to date on this Kildig band situation.

2020 Updates

12/20/2019 - Kildig.com Being Relaunched For The First Time Since 2005
Kildig.com was originally a heavy metal band website that began in February 2002. The original plan for the website was for it to be a horror movie archive as well as a heavy metal band website for our band KiLDiG. Anyways, the band disbanded back in 2005, and the website was eventually deleted. Now, 14 years later, we are reviving both the band and the website. Kildig.com will relaunch sometime in 2020. So, be sure to watch for it!

KiLDiG.com Majorly DOWNSIZING!

Hello, the former owner of Kildig.com did a lot of stupid things to the website when he was in control, and we think that some of those thin...