"Think & Grow Rich"
Chapter 15 (Condensed):
01. The preparation is not difficult. Understanding of 3 ENEMIES
which you shall have to clear out. There are indecision, doubt, & fear.
02. The sixth sense will never function while these 3 negatives, or any of them remain in your mind.
03. Before we can master an enemy, we must know its name, its habits, & its place of abode.
Analyze yourself carefully, & determine which, if any, of the 6 common fears
(NEGATIVE ENTITIES) have attached themselves to you.
04. The 6 Basic Fears:
The Fear of Poverty, The Fear of Criticism, The Fear of ILL Health,
The Fear of Loss of Love of Someone, The Fear of Old Age, The Fear of Death
05. Fears are nothing more than states of mind. One's state of mind is subject to control & direction. Physicians, as everyone knows, are less subject to attack by disease. Physicians, have been known to physically contact hundreds of people, daily, who were suffering from contagious diseases as small-pox, without becoming infected. Their immunity against the disease consisted, largely, if not solely,
in their absolute LACK OF FEAR.
06. Everything which man creates begins in the form of a thought.
07. You must REFUSE TO ACCEPT ANY CIRCUMSTANCE that leads toward poverty.
08. If you demand riches, determine what form, & how much will be required to satisfy you.
09. The only thing you can control - is your state of mind.
10. A man is considered less than the dust of the earth, unless he can display a fat bank account;
but if he has money he is a "king" or a "big shot"; he is above the law, he rules in politics,
he dominates in business, & the whole world about him bows in respect when he passes.
11. The majority of marriages are motivated by the wealth possessed by one,
or both of the contradicting parties. This is why divorce courts are so busy.
12. Self-analysis may disclose weaknesses.
13. Ask yourself definite questions & demand direct replies.
14. When a man is down & out, unable to get any job at all, something happens to his spirit.
He cannot escape a feeling of inferiority.
15. Baldheaded men, are bald for no other reason than their fear of criticism.
Heads become bald because of the tight-fitting bands of hats which cut off circulation
from the roots of the hair.
16. Most people will, tell a lie rather than admit that they do not believe
the stories associated with religion.
17. Parents often do their children irreparable injury by criticising them.
18. 75% of all people are suffering with HYPOCONDRIA (imaginary illness).
19. POWERFUL & MIGHTY IS THE HUMAN MIND! It builds or it destroys.
20. Dispensers of patent MEDICINES HAVE REAPED FORTUNES.
21. During the world war, the NEWSPAPERS QUIT PUBLISHING STORIES about the "FLU,"
22. Through a series of experiments, it was proved that PEOPLE MAY BE MADE ILL BY SUGGESTION. (Television, Subconscious Mind Programming, etc.)
24. The Symptoms of The Fear of Loss of Love:
A. Jealousy. The habit of BEING SUSPICIOUS without any reasonable evidence of sufficient grounds.
(Jealousy is a form of dementia which sometimes becomes VIOLENT.)
The habit of accusing wife or husband of infidelity without grounds.
General suspicion of everyone, absolute faith in no one.
B. Fault Finding. The habit of fault finding without any cause whatsoever.
C. Gambling. The habit of gambling, stealing, cheating,
& otherwise taking hazardous chances to provide money for loved ones.
25. The Symptoms of The Fear of Old Age:
A. The truth is that man's most useful years are those between forty & sixty years old.
B. Expressing gratitude for having reached the age of wisdom & understanding.
C. The habit of the man dressing with the aim of trying to appear much younger,
& affecting mannerisms of youth.
26. No man knows, what heaven or hell is like, nor does any man know if either place actually exists.
27. Death will come. Accept it as a necessity, & pass the thought out of your mind.
28. The entire world is made up of only two things, energy & matter.
In elementary physics we learn that niether matter nor energy can be created or destroyed.
29. Life is energy. Death is mere transition.
30. The Symptoms of The Fear of Death:
A. The habit of thinking about dying instead of making the most of life, due, to lack of purpose.
The greatest remedy for fear of death is a burning desire for achievement, backed by useful service
to others.
31. We do not worry once we have reached a DECISION to follow a definite line of action.
32. Reaching a decision not to worry about what other people think, do, or say.
33. Master the fear of loss of love by reaching a decision to get along without love.
34. The person who gives expression, to negative thoughts is certain to expierence the results
of those words.
35. The person who releases thoughts of a destructive nature must suffer damage.
36. Destructive emotion develops a NEGATIVE PERSONALITY WHICH REPELS PEOPLE.
37. To be successful, YOU MUST FIND PEACE OF MIND & attain happiness.
All of these begin in the form of thought impulses.
40. You should examine yourself very carefully, to determine whether you are susceptible
to negative influences. If you neglect this self-analysis, you will forfeit your right to attain
the object of your desires.
41. How To Protect Yourself Against Negative Influences:
A. To protect yourself against negative influences, recognize that you have a WILL-POWER, & put it into constant use, until it builds a wall of immunity against negative influences in your own mind.
B. Keep your mind closed against all people who depress or discourage you in any way.
C. Do not expect troubles.
D. The most common weakness is the habit of leaving their minds open to the negative influence
of other people.
43. If you fail to control your own mind, you may be sure you will control nothing else.
44. Mind control is the result of SELF-DISCIPLINE & HABIT.
45. You either control your mind or it controls you.
46. Without this control, success is not possible.
47. Building alibis is a habit as old as the human race, & is fatal to success!
48. Plato said, "The first & best victory is to conquer self.
To be conquered by self is, of all things, the most shameful & vile."
49. The Master Key is the satisfaction that comes to all who conquer self
& force Life to pay whatever is asked.
"Think & Grow Rich" Chapter 15 (Condensed)
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